Síle is a Solicitor and is a graduate of University College, Cork and Trinity College, Dublin. She has been the Legal Advisor to the Director of the Equality Tribunal since 2006.
She provides specialist advice to the staff of the Tribunal in the area of equality law. She represents the Tribunal in all civil proceedings to which it is a party and also advises the Tribunal on its legal obligations as a public service provider including data protection and freedom of information legislation.
As Legal Advisor, Síle has addressed legal practitioners, academics and general audiences at conferences in Ireland and in Europe on equality and discrimination issues.
The Equality Tribunal is the independent quasi-judicial body which is primarily responsible under Irish equality legislation for investigating and deciding complaints of discrimination in employment or in the provision of goods, services and facilities. The Tribunal also provides a statutory mediation service.
Síle was previously a Solicitor in the Equality Authority representing complainants in equality cases before the Equality Tribunal, the Labour Court and the Courts.
She is on the Steering Committee of the Irish Women Lawyers Association and is also a member of the Employment Law Association of Ireland, the Irish Centre for European Law and the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association.