Jim Murray was Ireland’s first Director of Consumer Affairs from 1979 to 1990, and then spent the last eighteen years as Director of BEUC, the European Consumers’ Organisation.
BEUC acts on behalf of nearly forty independent national consumer organisations to influence, in the interests of consumers, the evolution of EU policy and decision making. Jim, as Director, was responsible for a secretariat consisting of some thirty permanent staff members working and lobbying on a very wide range of legal and economic issues, and policies on food, health the environment and safety.
The BEUC director would be expected to be among the most active, the most senior and best-known consumer advocates at EU level.
Jim was honorary Special Adviser to former Commissioner Meglena Kuneva when she was the European Commissioner for Consumer Policy.
He was a founding member and sometime president of the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue. Currently Jim is a member of the Commission’s High Level Group for the Reduction of Administrative Burdens.