Caroline Gill BA MSc BL was Insurance Ombudsman of Ireland from 1998 to 2005, responsible for the independent investigations of disputes between consumers, small business and their insurance companies. On 2005, Caroline was appointed as Deputy Financial Services Ombudsman by the then Minister for Finance, Mr Charley Mc Creevy T.D. The Financial Services Ombudsman’s Bureau resolved disputes between consumers and their financial service providers. Previously, Caroline was CEO of the Consumers’ Association of Ireland from 1990 – 1998. Throughout her her career she has consistently maintained a strong media profile, participating in TV and radio programmes and regularly contributed to all the Irish and UK newspapers, radio and TV regarding financial services and consumer issues.
Caroline Gill BA MSc. BL. was Insurance Ombudsman of Ireland from 1998 to 2005, responsible for the independent investigations of disputes between consumers, small business and their insurance companies. As Ombudsman she liaised with a number of Government bodies, in particular the Department of Finance and the Financial Regulator.
In 2005 the Insurance Ombudsman of Ireland and the Credit Institutions Ombudsman were merged in the statutory Financial Services Ombudsman’s Bureau, and that year Caroline was appointed as Deputy Financial Services Ombudsman by the then Minister for Finance, Mr Charley Mc Creevy T.D. The Bureau resolved disputes between consumers and their financial service providers, and during her tenure she participated in TV and radio programmes and regularly contributed to all national newspapers regarding financial services.
Previously, Caroline was CEO of the Consumers’ Association of Ireland from 1990 – 1998, during which she again had a strong media profile and worked with Irish and UK newspapers, radio and TV. As CEO she worked closely with the Consumers Associations in the UK and in Brussels where was appointed to the Consumers Consultative Committee in the European Commission (DG XX1V) and served on that committee and on other consumer committees in Brussels (including BEUC – the European Consumers Association), lobbying successfully on a number of issues including transparency in financial services, food safety, health issues and access to justice.
Caroline has also served on a number of Boards and committees in Ireland and Europe to include the Irish Stock Exchange, LUAS, the Food Safety Board, and the Euro Change-over Board.
She was a member of Financial Services Network in the European Commission and the Consumer Consultative Committee. Caroline was also an executive committee member of the British and Irish Ombudsman Association.
She is a graduate of the Corporate Governance Diploma from the Smurfit Business School and is member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a fellow of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, a member of the Marketing Institute and the Public Relations Institute of Ireland.