‘Who Is More Stressed, And Why?’

"With great power comes great responsibility", or so goes the thematic and often-quoted (including by the Supreme Court of the United States) Spider-Man phrase, or was it Voltaire?

Either way, considering this popular saying about the relationship between ascendancy and obligation, shouldn’t it follow then that with greater responsibility comes greater stress?

Prof. Jim Lucey takes a workplace such as a legal practice and explores this question. You may be surprised at the answer, and understanding why gives us greater insights into how to manage stress in our own lives.


Prof. Jim Lucey is Medical Director (Master) of St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, Dublin, since 2008.

He has been a Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at the University of London (1993-1997) at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, and at The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (1998-2002) and is currently Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Trinity College Dublin. Prof. Lucey has more than 25 years’ experience in psychiatry, and in addition to medical management he maintains his clinical practice at St. Patrick`s where he works on the assessment, diagnosis and management of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and other anxiety disorders.

He is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in London, as well as a member of the College of Psychiatry of Ireland. Prof. Lucey gives public lectures and is a regular broadcaster on mental health matters on RTE radio and speaks on mental health at CPD Board conferences.

Category of CPD: Category C / B / A
Duration: 1.5 Hours

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